How to Fix Photoshop CS6 physical memory dump error

How to Fix Photoshop CS6 physical memory dump error

Photoshop CS6 "dump physical memory" errors are unfortunately common for users of Windows problem. The problem is caused by your PC being unable to correctly process the various parameters and options that Photoshop needs to function, and continues to lead your system to show the blue screen errors in an attempt to help you correct the error . If you want to solve the problem, you can use a series of measures to correct the problems that Windows has.

This will dump the physical memory error?

The main cause of this error is that Windows will not have the files and settings that will allow Photoshop to function correctly. The problem of "physical memory dump" is not really an error that Windows has, but rather a result of a different error inside your PC. The error basically means that your PC should reboot, and in order to save your settings, it will save them to specific sections of your hard drive to recover when your PC restarts. This means that if you want to resolve this error, you must correct the causes of the problem that will lead Windows to display errors that way. Here are the most common causes:

Windows will have some sort of problem with its registry settings
Program options for your PC will be incorrect
Windows will have a number of potential errors with the Photoshop program
How to fix the dump of physical memory error

The first step is to re-install Photoshop. This can be done by clicking "Start", select "Control Panel" and select "Add / Remove Programs". This will allow you to eliminate all parts of Photoshop software, and thus will increase the speed and reliability of your PC accordingly. After you reinstall the Photoshop program, restart Windows, and then reinstall the program to see if the errors persist.

Then, update the graphics driver on your PC. This is important because Photoshop uses a large number of parameters that allow it to function, and is therefore one of the most important parts of your PC. We found that one of the biggest causes of problems for the Photoshop program is that the graphics card in your computer will not be able to process the important options that it needs to function, which makes it very inefficient and wrong.

We also recommend using a registry cleaner tool to fix the various problems that your system will have inside. The registry is a database which stores important settings and options that Windows computers will be used to help run. We found that one of the major causes of error for Windows is the registry of your PC will be damaged and unreliable - prevents Windows to operate. To solve this problem, we recommend that you use a program called Frontline Registry Cleaner to scan through your PC and fix the various errors that your system will have inside, which should increase the speed of your system accordingly .......