Photoshop Touch update brings

Photoshop Touch update brings more languages, effects, higher resolution editing, and more........

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Mobile photo editing buffs will probably be happy to know that Photoshop Touch has gotten a very sizable update in the Google Play Store. A quick download will net you two new languages — Russian and Brazilian Portuguese.

Other new features include two new effects — shred and colorize — the ability to edit photos in up to 12 megapixels, smoother performance in the tutorial browser and file picker, new gestures for zooming, a pixel nudging mode for more precise editing, and more. $10 is not a bad price to ask for one of the most deep editing apps in mobile. Find it in the Google Play 

I'm not having any luck finding a way. Under the license agreement it's 3rd party software, so I guess that means we're out of luck?

And just a rant, because I've been up all night... I really wish Adobe would stop showing so much iOS love on their touch site, since Apple slandered their company big time.

Anyways, if I have to buy Photoshop Touch, I'll probably pass. TVPaint, which is in beta, is a BILLION times better for what I need/want; of course it will probably cost me an arm and a leg to buy when it's final.

Will future feature updates be included if you buy it now? Or will a new version come with a new price tag? I'm really interested in getting this, except my camera take's 18MP photos, so i'd have to wait till this app will support larger MP photos.