Photoshop Tutorial: How to Digitally Enhance Breasts

Photoshop Tutorial: How to Digitally Enhance Breasts

Photoshop is an extremely different and fun program that virtually anyone can use. There are so many different ways to do the same thing in Photoshop too. There are dozens of different tools you can use and master. Once you master one tool, it opens up a door of possibilities on what you can do to a photo. The best way to learn Photoshop is to experiment and try things on your own. Another great way to learn is from example and follow Photoshop tutorials, in which there are tons on Associated Content alone.
One thing both amateur and professional photographers alike use Photoshop for is it edit pictures of people. You can basically edit pictures of people in a variety of different ways. You can change hair color, change eye color, make someone skinnier, swap heads and facial features, and much more. One thing many glamour magazines and photo editors will also do is increase the breast size of women. It's a relatively easy thing to do and it only takes a few steps, but it definitely makes a world of difference and you'll see how.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to increase the breast size of a woman through a few simply steps. To start with, you'll need a face-on picture of a woman. Side pictures do work, but for the sake of this tutorial we'll make it easy and just use a face-on picture. (I found my picture of by searching the word "bikini.")

So let's begin!

Step 1) Open up your picture in Photoshop by going to File > Open and searching for the picture like you would any old document. If you're copying and pasting off the web, go to File > New and the size of the canvas will automatically adjust to the size of your photo on the clipboard. After File > New, click Edit > Paste.

Step 2) Using the Elliptical Marquee Tool (on the vertical menu bar), make a circle around one of the breasts, including the whole breast.

Step 3) Go to Edit > Free Transform and make the circle 5 percent bigger.

Step 4) Now go to Filter > Distort > Spherize.

Step 5) Make sure the Mode is Normal and the amount is set to your choosing. The larger the amount, the larger the breasts will be. For my picture, I chose to do 100 percent, and as you can see they came out rather large and plastic-y looking. If you want to go for a more natural look, keep the number low. Use the preview tool to see what size works for your photo.

Step 6) Repeat steps 2-5 on the other breast.

Step 7) Now that the breasts are enlarged, it's time to do some blending. As you can see, using the Spherize Filter, the edges of the breasts became sharpened. Using the blur tool at around 10 pixels and strength of 22, go along the edges of the sharpened breasts to blend them in.

Then you're done! And you've increased the breast size in 7 easy steps!