Photoshop Tutorial: How to Give Your Photos a Vintage Look

Photoshop Tutorial: How to Give Your Photos a Vintage Look

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a vintage effect to you photo. I will be using Photoshop Cs3. Adding a vintage effect looks better on some, rather than others. You will learn step by step how to add your own vintage effect and once you have the hang of it, you can play around with it
Step One: Select a photo you would like to add the vintage effect to, and open it.

Step Two: Duplicate the layer. (Layer -Duplicate Layer)

Step Three: On the duplicated layer, you'll want to change the layer style from "Normal" to "Soft Light". This will bring out more color to your photo and darken some areas.

Step Four: Create a new blank layer. (Layer - New Layer)

Step Five: In the new blank layer, go to your color pallet (double click) and find the color "000d5e" (it should be a dark blue color). You can also type in the number code at the bottom of the color options on the bottom left column.

Step Six: Select the Paint Bucket tool and fill in the blank layer.

Step Seven: On the blue layer, set the layer style from "Normal" to "Exclusion". If you want, you can repeat steps 4-7 if needed be, but usually you don't need too.

Step Eight: Flatten the picture. (Layer - Flatten Image).

Step Nine: Select the Burn Tool (it looks like a small hand). Set the opacity to 54% and go over the whole picture evenly.

And there you have it! Your very own vintage photo! You can mess around with the burn tool at different opacity's but generally it looks very well around 50-60%. I have worked with Photoshop for over 6 years and I always use this technique when adding a vintage effect to my photos.

Here's a helpful tip: If you make a mistake, don't trash your picture and throw away your hard work. All you need to do is press Ctrl + Z and it will undo your last move!