Adobe Photoshop Pattern Maker

Adobe Photoshop Pattern Maker
Making your own pattern using the pattern stamp tool in Photoshop is a great way to customize your designs. Familiarize yourself with the tool and experiment on your own projects!See Transcript

Today, I'm going to show you how to make your own pattern using the Pattern Stamp Tool in Photoshop CS6.

Use a Pre-Existing Image

There are a number of ways to create your own pattern. You can open a pre-existing image and make a pattern from it.

Just choose an image, select the area you want to use for your pattern with the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Now, go to Edit and select "Define Pattern." It's that easy.

Make Your Own Design

You can also create your own design, using tools in Photoshop. I'm going to create my own design to show you how easily it can be done. I am going to start by creating a document that I can use as the base for my pattern, by going to "File" and selecting, "New."

I am going to make it 250px by 250px, so it's relatively small. Now, I am going to use the Elliptical Tool to create a pattern of random circles. You can really use any shape that you like. I am going to make them different sizes.

If you like, you can go to the menu above the image and change the color of the shapes. Now, I am going to create a new layer, change the color here at the top menu, and create circles with a different color.

Turn it into a Pattern & Have Fun

Now that I have my design, I'm going to turn this into a pattern by going to the "Edit" menu and selecting, "Define Pattern…" I am going to name it and I have my own custom pattern. In order to show you how to use the pattern we just made, I'm going to create a new document by going to "File" and selecting "New." I am just going to select a standard US paper size.  '

Next, I will select the Pattern Stamp Tool from the Tools Panel on the left side. It's located beneath the Clone Stamp Tool. Go to the top menu and select the newly created pattern. If I click on the document, I can see my pattern.

If I click and drag, the pattern will be repeated as if it is being painted onto the page. Now, I am going to undo that and show you a few additional ways to modify this tool.  You can change the size of the tool at the top. You can change the mode. You can also change the opacity of the tool and other attributes.

We went over a few of the basics, but I suggest trying out a few of the options from this menu. They can help you achieve really interesting variations on your pattern.