Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in 3 Easy Steps in Photoshop. We will mainly use custom brushsets and utilise brush options to achieve this text effect. This is a beginner level tutorial, have a try :)
Note: The Photoshop tutorial is done in CS6 – therefore some screenshot may have slighting different layout as in the earlier version. Some brushes are exclusive to Photoshop CS6.
Here is a preview of the final effect I have for this tutorial: (click to enlarge)
cloud text flatten1 500x250 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop

PSD File Download

You can download the PSD File for this tutorial via the VIP Members Area for only $6.95/Month (or less)! You will not only get this PSD File, but also 100+ other PSD Files + Extra Goodies + Exclusive Photoshop tutorials there. 
vip sign up 250 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
OK Let’s get started!
To complete this tutorial, you will need the following stocks:

Step 1

Create a new document sized 1400px * 700px, grab the Gradient Tool and fill the background layer with a light blue gradient:
1 grad 500x159 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
Click to enlarge the following screenshot to reveal the colour code:
1 fill 500x249 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
Use the cloud brush set you downloaded, paint some white cloud on a new layer and we will use this as our background:
1 paint 500x249 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop

Step 2

We will type some texts onto our canvas, I used the “Lucida Handwriting” font that comes with Photoshop:
2 font 500x205 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
Load the smoke brush into Photoshop and use the following set:
2 brush Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
Press “F5″ to bring up the brush options window, apply the following setting:
Shape Dynamics
2 shape dyn Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
Make sure you tick the “Smoothing” and “Protect Texture” option.
Use the brush, gently paint over the text as shown below, adjust the brush size accordingly:
2 paint 500x424 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
2 paint 2 500x243 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
Turn off the original text layer, and you will have the following effect:
2 effect1 500x168 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
Then on this newly painted cloud layer, apply the following “Bevel and Emboss” layer blending effect:
2 bevel 500x359 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
and here is the effect so far:
2 effect 2 500x163 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop

Step 3

We will add some retouches to this effect. To make text slightly sharpen, we flatten the image and apply the following “Unsharpen Mask” filter (Filter > Sharpen > Unsharpen Mask):
3 unsharp Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
We can paint some cloud under the text, just to make the text look like floating above the cloud:
3 paint 500x202 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
3 paint 2 500x239 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
Load the hot air balloon PSD File into Photoshop and add some hot air balloons into the image:
3 balloon 500x233 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
Finally we can use the same brush in step 2 to add some extra cloud texture around the text:
3 cloud over 500x152 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
and here is my final effect: (click to enlarge)
cloud text flatten1 500x250 Design an Interesting Cloud Text Effect in Photoshop
That’s it for this tutorial! Hope you enjoy it and find it useful! Till next time, have a great day!