100 Photoshop tutorials to power up your skills - Part 2

Fix problems with Photoshop

Erase unwanted backgrounds in Photoshop

Use the Eraser tools to select and delete unwanted backgrounds - or even just parts of them. We show you how in this Photoshop tutorial.

Post-production fixes

Photography in design can be a tricky aspect. Ten world-renowned designers channel their best advice on how to get the most from your photos using Photoshop in post-production.

Blur backgrounds easily in Photoshop

Wished you’d taken that shot with a wider aperture? Make it happen in Photoshop using a blur filter and a painted mask.

The complete guide to fixing exposure in Photoshop

What is a histogram? How do you fix poorly exposed photos? We answer these questions and more with this Photoshop tutorial walking you through exposure in Photoshop CS6 and Camera Raw.

Organisation in Photoshop

How to make the most of your graphic assets

Photoshop tutorials
Learn to keep your graphic assets under control
Whether it's vector experimentation in Illustrator, manipulation in Photoshop or tinkering around with a 3D application, if you make something interesting then why not categorise it, file it and keep it around for later repurposing? This Photoshop tutorial shows you how.

Manage your layers more efficiently

Managing layers in previous versions of Photoshop could sometimes be a struggle. Luckily, CS6 has made some upgrades which means layer trouble is a thing of the past, as this Photoshop tutorial explains.

How to build experiments into your workflow

Experimentation is key to remaining creative (and sane). In this Photoshop tutorial, find out how to create artwork that has a solid foundation, yet still enables you to mess around along the way.

Graphic design in Photoshop

Design a chrome and plastic button in Photoshop

Making UI elements should be part of every designer’s toolbox. Here's how to make a cool looking chrome and plastic button in Photoshop.

Make interesting vector shapes in Photoshop CS6

The introduction of vector shape layers in Photoshop CS6 has opened up a wealth of new possibilities. In this Photoshop tutorial you'll find some tips so you can make the most of them...

How to merge vectors with photographic imagery

Learn how to merge a few basic images and then mix them in with vector shapes to create a unique editorial illustration. Sound difficult? Actually no.

How to fix skewed perspective using Photoshop CS5

Learn the techniques needed to fix warped lines and skewed perspectives in Adobe Photoshop CS5. It's not that hard...

Bring your images to life

Add a bokeh effect to your images

Create out-of-focus highlights from scratch with a little help from Photoshop CS6’s new time-saving shortcuts, in this easy to follow, four-step tutorial.

Turn photos into simple caricatures

Master Photoshop's Free Transform tool and use it to warp portraits of your subjects into comical caricatures!

Get the toy camera look

Get the toy camera look with Photoshop.

Recreate a fish-eye effect

Give images the super-distorted fish-eye treatment, then crop and add text to get the look of an iconic album cover.

Apply a quick vintage look in Photoshop

Use Photoshop CS6’s Color Lookup feature to change colours within an image, in four simple steps.

How to add frames to photos using Photoshop and Lightroom
Using a combination of Photoshop and Lightroom, here you'll discover a few ways to add frames and borders around your photos. The workflow includes using tools such as Photoshop blend modes, custom brushes and layer styles.

Create a realistic sketch effect with Photoshop

With the help of Photoshop's stamp and brush tools, we reveal how you can convert your photographs into stunning pencil sketches!

Recreate infrared photography in Photoshop

You don't need a dedicated camera to take an infrared image - you can do it in Photoshop instead. We explain how, in just six simple steps.

Create a Polaroid pinboard effect
Transform a single image into a striking montage of Polaroid shots with this fun Photoshop layers technique.

Create a fashionable cross-processing effect

Fashion photographers used to develop film in the wrong chemicals on purpose to create striking colour effects. Here’s how to achieve the look in Photoshop.

Add the hipster vintage look

Learn how to utilise Adobe Camera Raw as a creative tool, and add cool retro effects to your shots.