Adobe Photoshop Version HistoryPhotoshop is a huge program it has a lots of fractures which are very useful. Butphotoshop is a unique software its very different to another. We will tell you most usefuland important tools of photoshop so you can use them easily.Photoshop has reached at very higher position by the
Thomas Knoll
and Adobe.They make it and make our lives more awesome,One of the most impressive things about the company is the fact that one gifted family,consisting of an engineering proof, a PHD engineering student, and a talented specialeffects whiz working atIndustrial Lightand Magic came up with the core idea of Photoshop.Thomas Knoll was thePHD student
, heavily involved with Photoshop from many years…
 Glen Knoll

was a college professor his two hobbies are computers & photography.Thomas Knoll was studying Engineering at the University. His brother was at IndustrialLight and Magic. His brother John recommended to Thomas for doing a great effortabout full featuredimage editor software.
First Adobe 1.0 was released In February of 1990
 Each version of Photoshop is listed blow --
Adobe Photoshop-1.0 in 1990
It was the Macintosh version. After The first version of the Photoshop they werecontinuously trying to improve features of Photoshop.There were only 4 developers name on this version splash screen -
Adobe Photoshop-2.0 in 1991