Photoshop - Using the library shape for your design

Photoshop - Using the library shape for your design

Using Photoshop predefined shapes and paths form as a selection tool is a great way to use paths and selections as a design tool. Photoshop comes with a rich library of various shapes and use is simply a great shortcut to add this to your image and save a little time drawing too.

To begin, click on the arrow to the option on the bottom right of your rectangle tool part. You will see several options form, the last being the custom shape tool. After selecting the custom shape tool, you see the icon displayed in the options menu, just under the File menu indicating it is the active object. Halfway down the menu options you see the 'Shape: -> option. Click the arrow next to the poster forms available to you. At the extreme top right of this screen forms is another option that displays the arrow shape options, including various forms of "families." You see music, nature, movies, the Internet, many others, including the ability to display all forms.

Choose the shape you want to use for this exercise. Choose the image you want to dress a little, then choose a form of the shape library to add to your image. Once you select a shape, you will see its icon appears next to the menu item 'Shape'. At the extreme left of this menu of options, there are three options of "fashion" shape layers, paths, and fill pixels. Be sure and pick paths.

Now draw your shape using your mouse to adjust its size. By dragging your mouse up and down you can change the width and height of the predefined shape. Once you have completed your form, you can use the path selection tool to move the whole shape and place it closer to your image. If you choose the Direct Selection tool instead of the tool path selection, the option of "white" arrow for the same tool, the definition points of the form becomes active and you can actually redraw, using Bezier curve adjustment on a single point, adjusting the location of any point with a flexible design to make this "shape library" shape!

Now we are ready to add this form in our image, but at the moment it is just a "job" path, a path that you are still trying to define. Once you are satisfied with your changes, or if you like it exactly "as is" directly from the library, use your mouse to drag your way of working with the icon "create a new path" below, next to the trash can icon to delete. Simply drag down to create this path option will create and save this path in your image.

If you want the new form to be placed on its own layer, first create a new layer and with the active, return to the "Paths, right-click on your new path tab, and choose" Fill Path. "This option allows you to fill your new shape with the default fill color you choose and place it on its own layer. If you want to experiment with color, you can simply change the default color and repeat the last step, fill the path with foreground color by default.

Photoshop offers a large library of shapes with an image for any occasion. By following the simple steps Here you can convert any of these forms in a selection path, then add the path to this new image. A great design tool!

Inhale, think globally, act locally .......