Virtual Photographer Plug-in

Virtual Photographer Plug-in

I just love free plug-ins.  

This seems pretty cool to me. What do you think? I got the link from a photographer friend who uses it.
virtualPhotographer is a free plug-in that helps you add drama and artistic effects to your photos. The plug-in works with any of the photo editing software listed above, and should also work within any other plug-in capable software. The online help is brief but thorough, and offers many tips for working with the software.
Using terminology which is familiar to traditional photographers, virtualPhotographer lets you experiment with a wide variety of color and black & white photographic effects by manipulating color, film speed, film type, and effects. Even users without a photography background can experiment with ease, given the number of presets available. The program comes pre-loaded with 23 color presets, 26 black & white presets, and and over 60 additional presets are available for download from the optikVerve Labs web site. Users can also adjust the settings from scratch, or customize an existing preset, and save the settings to a new preset.

I enjoyed using this plug-in to enhance a variety of photos that just needed a little added drama or "pop." Follow the link below to see a screen shot of the user interface, as well as several before and after examples from my own photos. All of my examples used the plugin on the full image, but you can vary the effects even more by using selections and layers along with the plugin.